*As we prepare to migrate Nilfisk University to a new platform, we encourage you to make sure that your account is up to date. We will only be migrating active accounts with training completions within the last 5 years. In-Progress and Failed status records will not be migrated. If you're looking for manuals, please utilize the Nilfisk website or log in to the Nilfisk Store to locate manuals in EzParts.


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Learn about the latest machines from Nilfisk. We’re proud of our ongoing work to develop state-of-the-art technologies that improve your floor cleaning operations, day after day.

Invest in success

Gain a knowledge advantage with Nilfisk University, the cleaning equipment industry's most comprehensive web-based training and interactive learning resources.

La Formation d'Utilisation et Entretien Disponible en Français

Capacitación sobre Uso y Cuidado Disponible en Español

Prepare for the Flood Waters

Attaining excellence through active learning

Customers at all levels stay at the top of their game while attending Nilfisk University. Designed for your success and development, Nilfisk University gives you exclusive, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week access to equipment support, use and care techniques and product information that other manufacturers don't offer. You'll learn more efficiently and be more productive. Nilfisk University is free to all partners.

Silver Certification

Get an overview of Nilfisk's service offerings, and learn how we optimize equipment performance to help you reach your business goals in a shorter time, and at a lower cost.

" Having the opportunity to engage in hands-on training taught me to use the equipment more effectively to sustain maximum performance. The Skills I obtained during my training with Nilfisk University have empowered me to troubleshoot on my own and validate that my more than 10 years of professional experience comes in handy when applied."

Product Training at your fingertips!

Our Nilfisk partners become better prepared to support their customers and customers extend the longevity of their equipment and efficiency of their operators. You choose the convenient time and learning pace that works for you. Learn from concise, modular training tutorials. We look forward to strengthening our partnership with you.

Be "in-the-know" faster

Avoid expensive, out-of-town training sessions and wasting time tracking down critical information. Now the information and tools you need for success are at your fingertips.

"Nilfisk University has been a great tool to simplify and verify training on the floorcare machines we recently purchased. It has provided us with the opportunity to train over 100 of our employees giving them expert technical knowledge to effectively use and maintain our investment. Thanks to Nilfisk University, I am able to garner greater accountability and care for the machines."

Alcanzando la excelencia a través del aprendizaje activo

Entrena, retiene y crece con Nilfisk University, el recurso de capacitación y aprendizaje interactivo más completo de la industria de equipos de limpieza. Nuestros distribuidores tienen una mejor preparación para apoyar a sus clientes y a su vez, los clientes extienden la longevidad de sus equipos y la efi ciencia de sus operadores.

Colegio Español de Aprendizaje

Manténgase en constante capacitación Olvídese de las sesiones de capacitación caras y fuera de la ciudad y de perder tiempo buscando información crítica. Ahora la información y las herramientas que necesita para tener éxito están a su alcance. Capacitación del operador para ayudar. a los usuarios a conocer el equipo por dentro y por fuera. Clases en español disponibles.

NilfiskU Brochure English NilfiskU Brochure Spanish

La Formation d'Utilisation et Entretien Disponible en Français

Former, fidéliser et grandir avec l’Université Nilfisk, la ressource de formation et d’apprentissage interactif la plus complète de l’industrie du matériel de nettoyage sur la toile. Les revendeurs sont mieux préparés à soutenir leurs clients et les clients prolongent la durée de vie de leurs équipements et l’efficacité de leurs opérateurs.

Disponible en Francais

Soyez « au courant »plus rapidement - Évitez les séances de formation coûteuses à l’extérieur de la ville et la perte de temps à chercher des informations essentielles. L’information et les outils dont vous avez besoin pour réussir sont maintenant à portée de main:• Formation des opérateurs pour aider les utilisateurs du produit à connaître l’équipement — à l’intérieur comme à l’extérieur.

NilfiskU Brochure English NilfiskU Brochure French

Who We Are

Customers at all levels stay at the top of their game while attending Nilfisk University. Designed for your success and development, Nilfisk University gives you exclusive, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week access to equipment support, use and care techniques and product information that other manufacturers don't offer. You'll learn more efficiently and be more productive.